Johnny Horr advocated the inclusion of the barred openings! He had made a special study of the four barred openings and was generally considered the foremost authority on them in the world! He won the 4th American tourney of 1920, He was now the new American Champion! Alfred Jordan entered 5 Amer. Tys. 1912, 1915, 1920 1922, 1924. Alfred Jordan never won an American tourney! Horr won the 1920 TY. Very convincingly! He defeated Jordan on a barred opening cook in the semi-finals and then defeated John T. Bradford in the finals! Now in 1922 in the Fifth American tourney a rising new young 18 yr. old star appeared by the name of Asa A. Long! He had to defeat Jordan twice in order to win this tourney! In this tourney Ginsberg won 3rd prize. I now pause because two or three of my students enjoy when I point out good historical checker data! They also love my checker trivia! Here are some of my best examples:- In the Fifth American tourney Ginsberg beat Long, Long beat Jordan, and Jordan beat Ginsberg! "Ring Around The Rosie" Another famous example of this: Charles F. Barker always beat August J. Heffner, August J. Heffner always beat Clarence H. Freeman and Clarence H. Freeman always beat Charles F. Barker! In the First International Heffner lost only one game, and that was to James Searight! What a wonderful name for a checker master - Searight! Searight only lost one game and that was to Barker! All of a sudden Asa Long got very rambunctious! He had just beaten Alfred Jordan twice! So he thought he was ready for the World's Championship! Next he immediately challenged Johnny Horr the winner of the Fourth American tourney And the result was The Long -Horr Match games featuring the barred openings! A 40 game subscription match played in Detroit, Michigan, Oct.5 - Oct.13, 1923 For a Purse of $1000. An amazing amount, unheard of in those days! Asa Long bit off a lot more than he could chew! And learned a valuable lesson! Asa who was only 19 years old made a misguided challenge since he did not yet have the talent he would later have in the 1930's! He was playing a seasoned veteran, an experienced old war horse with lots of checker scalps under his belt! John F. Horr had a most magnificent manuscript with loads of cooks just like Mike Lieber! He knew more about the barred openings than anybody else in the World! So what do you think happened? Asa A. Long didn't have a chance, not a prayer! Long got whipped very badly! He got his butt kicked hard! Horr defeated Long by the score of 4-1-33! This doesn't tell the whole story. Johnny Horr missed 3 more wins on Long! Long only missed one win. Horr won 3 Barred Opening games! Long only won one. Horr missed an easy Barred Opening win, and missed an easy draw in the only game that Long won! Horr sprang 4 cooks on Asa Long! Long was completely and hopelessly outplayed! The result of this match made John F. Horr very, very confident about the upcoming American Tourney to be held in New York City in 1924, the Sixth American Tourney. As a matter of fact John F. Horr was made the odds on, heavy favorite by his friends and his backers and fans and knowing checker experts! Horr really felt he could win this tourney and then challenge for the World's Championship! Nobody outside Brooklyn and New York City knew much about Sam Gonotsky except Louis C. Ginsberg, who predicted that "Gonotsky was stronger than anyone dreamed, and would some day become American Champion"! A prediction that would soon come true!