Wyllie Online Draughts Club

Getting Started

This page is designed to guide you through the software installation and usage. The initial download is a file called WODCIRC1.EXE, which you should save to your hard disk. It can be in any folder you like, but I would recomend the ProgramFiles folder, as this way you will be able to run the client program from the Windows-->Start-->Programs menu on your PC.

Alternatively you might prefer to set up a new folder specially for WODC software. In this case I would suggest that you create a desktop shortcut to the wodcirc1.exe program. To do that, open Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder you have saved the WODCIRC1.EXE file in, and right-click on wodcirc1.exe. A pop-up menu will appear, and you select "Create Shortcut". After you do this, you will see a new file appear in your folder, the shortcut file which you just created. However, you need it to be on your desktop, so next you need to move it. You do this by right clicking on the shortcut file and this time moving your mouse down to "Send To" option on the pop-up menu, which brings up a secondary pop-up menu from which you select "Desktop". The new icon will appear on your desktop (you might need to minimise some windows to see it), and you can now launch the program directly from your desktop by clicking on this icon.

When you launch the wodcirc1.exe program you will be prompted for your WODC password. Passwords are case sensitive, so you must type it in the box at the bottom of the screen in exactly the correct format. If you are running a firewall, turn it off now. Next, press the enter key; the client will then attempt to connect first to the password server and then to the network server. Your internet connection should already be open. If for any reason the client fails to connect successfully to either of these servers an error message will be displayed and the program will close. See the Known Bugs and Issues page for possible causes if this happens. If your connection goes smoothly you will see a list of all the players presently in the room (including yourself) appear in the white box on the right hand side of the screen. It is now safe to turn your firewall back on again.

To talk to others in the room, type your message in the box at the bottom and press the enter key. If you want to talk to a single person without the other players seeing your message, select their name in the players box and type your message, then press the Alt and Enter keys together. The messages sent to you will appear in the chat box underneath the board. Newest chat appears at the bottom of the chat window.

To kibitz (watch) another player's game, select their name in the player list on the right of the screen and click the Kibitz button in the bottom right corner.

To invite another player you need to select the player from the list on the right of the screen, choose your seating option by clicking the appropriate radio button, and choose an opening from the list of openings between the board and the player list. Finally click the Invite button to issue the invitation.

Once you have logged on and played at least one game you will notice two new text files in the folder where you put wodcirc1.exe - one of them is called wodclog.txt and is a connection log. In the event of problems connecting to the site this file may be of use in helping to diagnose what went wrong. The other file is called gameslog.txt and is a permenant text record of all the games you play at the site. This file gets updated every time you complete a game in the WODC Room.